You are reading this blog as a result of my taking a 7-week online course offered by SEMLS, the Southeastern Massachusetts Library System. The most useful thing learned in this course is knowing what is possible, and how to at least get started exploring the various social networking tools that our users are already very famliar with. It has always been clear that we need to reach out to our audience, to advertise our holdings and make them available online, however, the venues have changed, and we need to keep up with the trends. Those who care will find us and subscribe, hopefully, but in a world of media overload, will they find me? Tools learned were wikis, tagging, DelIcioUs, Flickr, blogs, Twitter, podcasts, RSS. I’d like to continue to explore them all, but for now I am using the blog and Flickr and RSS. Least useful was tagging. Thanks, Kathy for presenting a great workshop!
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